Sunday, May 9, 2010

Can anyone give advice on pilot careers? Most especially on Multi-Engine building time.?

Good day! I'm planning to take up my private pilot course here in our country and perhaps transfer abroad for my CPL. I saw this school that offers 200+ hours Multi-Engine time professional pilot package. My question is that, are airline companies considering those pilots with Multi-Engine flying time to be hired? Would it be a good choice to fly more on Multi-Engine?Can anyone give advice on pilot careers? Most especially on Multi-Engine building time.?
Yes. In order to be considered for most airline pilot jobs, you will need (as a minimum) a commercial pilot's certificate and several hundred hours of multi-engine time. About the only work you can get without multi time is as a flight instructor.Can anyone give advice on pilot careers? Most especially on Multi-Engine building time.?
Yes. The companies are a fan of the ME rating. and check the current hiring minimums. I think they recommed about 200 ME.
it sounds like you were looking at ATP flight school.. multi engine time has great value.. but then again, i got hired, with just 15 hours of multi time, as a first officer for a cargo operator.. if you want to jump into the airlines right away, then you will want atleast 50 hours.. most big schools like ATP are partners with regional airlines.. that basically means they will hire you with low time (50 hours).. but if you go to a small FBO for training then the regionals will want to see you with anywhere from 100-500 hours of multi time... to get hired with low time, like i did, you will need to know the right people.. i went to Western Michigan Univeristy, and they are the reason why i got this job.. it's really just a question of cost and risk.. are you willing to pay for that much multi time? if so, then you'll probably have an easier time finding a job.. i dont want to fly for the airlines so multi time was as important to me.. now im flying a 60k pound aircraft and not paying for multi time..

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